March 30, 2024
METOC Seminar ‘MEGHAYAN 2024’ held on 28 March 2024 Â Â Â Â Â Â
The World Meteorological Day is celebrated every year on 23rd March. It marks the origin of World Meteorological Organization (WMO) on 23 Mar 1950 and signifies the invaluable contribution and essential role of the meteorologists in this field. METOC (Meteorological and Oceanographic) seminar ‘Meghayan-24’ was conducted by School of Naval Oceanology & Meteorology (SNOM) and Indian Naval Meteorological Analysis Centre (INMAC) at Southern Naval Command on 28 Mar 24. The seminar was based on the theme ‘At the Frontline of Climate Action’ as promulgated by WMO for the year 2024. The seminar served as a platform towards sharing of knowledge & insights on weather and climate services as well as way ahead to face the challenges of climate change. In this seminar scientists enlightened the audience on the latest techniques adopted by the scientific agencies and the climate data crunching undertaken to help the policy makers in decision making at national level. In addition, Specialist officers discussed the impact of weather and climate change on naval operations, highlighting the latest techniques employed by the Indian Navy and scientific organizations to provide METOC forecasts. An indigenous mobile application named INDRA (Indian Naval Dynamic Resource for Weather Analysis) was launched to disseminate weather-related information and forecasts, facilitating quick decision-making in naval operations. The application has been developed in collaboration with BISAG and the Directorate of Naval Oceanology and Meteorology, the application aims to empower optimal decision-making.