Kerala’s Wayanad Landslides

GS3/Disaster Management What is Landslide? A landslide is the downward movement of rock, soil, and debris on a slope due to gravity. It occurs when the stability of the slope is compromised, leading to a mass of earth material sliding or collapsing. Primary Causes behind wayanad landslide- Heavy rainfall Hilly terrain with sharp slopes Loss of green cover Climate Change Gadgil committee recommendation Ministry of Environment and Forests of India appointed Western Ghats Ecology Expert Panel (WGEEP) chaired by Madhav Gadgil,( known as the Gadgil Commission )2010, commission submitted its report to the Government of India on 31 August 2011. Gadgil report recommendations are as follows:- Kasturirangan committee Kasturirangan committee was set up to examine the WGEEP report (recommended by-Gadgil report) in August 2012. Kasturirangan committee report Recommendations:- Western Ghats Measures and action taken by Indian govt.           Conclusion- Source- Indian express, The Hindu

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Government developed a scheme for Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children

GS- PAPER- II/III, Government Policies / Cyber Security Context- Some technology-driven Projects/Schemes included under Nirbhaya Fund. Which  include:- Components of the Scheme 2. Forensic unit– 3. Capacity building unit 4. Research and development unit– 5. Awareness Creation Unit– Conclusion: The government’s implementation of the Cyber Crime Prevention against Women and Children (CCPWC) scheme under the Nirbhaya Fund reflects a strong commitment to enhancing safety and addressing cyber threats. Similarly, Safe City Projects, developed collaboratively by Police and Municipal Corporations, are tailored to meet the specific safety needs of women and address gaps in existing infrastructure. Together, these initiatives represent a comprehensive approach for improving security and protecting vulnerable populations.

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