The Advisory Panel has been established to provide guidance on how we can better support our students and take our commitment to coaches and coaching forward.

Comprised of volunteers, the Advisory Panel will enable us to consult with faculties and staff members to transform our institute policy, coaching practice, and learning and assessment. The Panel will also help us to understand and deliver on our duty to care, ensuring that we are best placed, well-equipped, and inspired to continually  meet the UPSC Examination pattern and standard.

Find out more about our panellists by reading the bios below.


Mr. S.S Prasad

(Former Home Secretary Haryana Government)


Mrs. Ranju Prasad

(Former CPMG Haryana)


Mr. Prem Prakash

(Former I.P.S (ADG) )


Mr. Anurag Gupta

(Deputy Secretary)

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